
Paper Art

paper art


The Star Tarot Paper Art

A present for a loved one, I created a paper artwork of her favorite tarot card. I used Biddytarot’s interpretation as likeness and inspiration. Adding my own personal touches in additional layers for the mountain background and paper texture and patterns. Below is a description of The Star’s hidden symbols and meaning:

“The Star card shows a naked woman kneeling at the edge of the small pool. She holds two containers of water: one in her left hand (the subconscious) and one in her right (the conscious). She pours the water out to nourish the earth and to continue the cycle of fertility, represented by the lush greenery around her. The other container pours the water onto dry land in five rivulets, representing the five senses.

The woman has one foot on the ground, representing her practical abilities and good common sense, and the other foot in the water, representing her intuition and inner resources and listening to her inner voice. She is naked, representing her vulnerability and purity under the vastness of the starry night sky. Behind her shines one large star, representing her core essences, and seven smaller stars, representing the chakras.”



Made in a day with at-home plotter. Combinations of thick and thin cardstock.

Made in a day with at-home plotter. Combinations of thick and thin cardstock.


Close up before framing; tape holding initials not fully placed yet — later decided to not include.

Close up before framing; tape holding initials not fully placed yet — later decided to not include.