Elgin USA


Neck Gaiter Back In Stock — Elgin Lifestyle

Neck Gaiter Back In Stock — Elgin Lifestyle

Elgin makes products that amplify the output of the everyday craftsman. The unapologetic, under-appreciated working class responsible for laying the brick & mortar of America. Humble and hardworking, these makers don’t ask for favors or days off and are seldom top-of-mind when brands talk about innovation.


Elgin Lifestyle

Ruckus Discord Promotional Giveaway Image on Social Media

Promotional image featured on social media for the Ruckus Discord giveaway on 2021 Black Friday.

Product Photos



Elgin decided to reinvigorate the brand with a stronger voice and established a new style guide closely aligned with target demographics. To showcase the brand’s novel look, I developed GIFs, iconography, gift cards, and other design deliverables including logo patterns and social media content.

Elgin New Logo Red Gif.GIF-min.gif


Photo courtesy of META Magazine for their Vol 020 launch graphic on Instagram.

META is a high quality publication celebrating motorcycle lifestyle through timeless art-driven and culture-based content. Central to the magazine and company’s mission is an aesthetic focused on art over advertising. META’s exclusive partnership list is limited to less than 15 ads per issue — a stark contrast with a typical magazine which can include as many as 60 advertisers.

Pre-empting META’s design change to tabloid orientation, Elgin’s collaboration with META was part of their 20th issue landmarking the archival of their iconic landscape layout.

Elgin's 2 page spread in Meta Magazine. A poised set of earbuds is set atop text reading: The Elgin Rumble combines 25 decibel noise reduction, Bluetooth 5.0, dual custom-tuned speaker drivers, a low-profile weatherproof design.

Elgin’s marketing team provided the featured word copy, and I created a seamless interpretation of Elgin’s contemporary branding while also ensuring the ad fit into META’s overarching aesthetic. During this project, it was crucial for my advertising design to hit the overlap between META and Elgin’s demographics.

Close up of Elgin's Meta Magazine 2 page spread ad






Elgin Logo Shirt Front and Back Graphic Adult-Youth-1.jpg
Screenshots of Elgin customers enjoying tshirts and stickers

From mockups to screen printing, I was involved in every graphic design task for several apparel items. I used Adobe Illustrator to create, model, and size each graphic to guarantee correct printing dimensions and a stylized, finished product.



Elgin customers love showcasing Elgin’s Official Sticker Pack Vol 1 on Instagram and Facebook. Plastered across a wide array of equipment including tool boxes, welding tanks, electronics, and trucks. I created these stickers for e-commerce deals, product giveaways, loyalty rewards, and micro-influencing on social media.

These stickers are really high quality, heavy material, and super sticky! I have added them to my welding helmet, PC case and Humidor. Really think I need a few more packs, killer designs (as you can see) and the colors really stand out. High quality all around on these...
— Ecommerce review from greg
Photo of Elgin Stickers used for Instagram Ads
Envelope graphic for stickers

Envelope graphic for stickers